Friday, September 30, 2022

St Columba's High School, Inverclyde

In St Columba's High School in Gourock we celebrated EDL across the whole school with French prayers at mass and during registration. Canteen staff wished pupils a ‘bon appétit’ at lunch time. Staff taught lessons with language links such as ‘The Tower of Babel’ in Tech, Spanish artists in Art and French numbers in Maths. 

We hosted a ‘fun day’ in the ML Department for all BGE students and Senior Phase linguists. Pupils were greeted by S6 Language Leaders and took part in a variety of activities: design an EDL t-shirt, passport quiz, flag face paint and tattoos, blind food tasting, flag challenge, Spanish Just Dance, BSL, French karaoke and more! Staff were treated to a ‘Pop Up Patisserie’ at lunch time. 

Feedback from pupils says that they would like more food tasting and French/Spanish Just Dance throughout the year. Language Leaders suggested organising monthly ‘Pop Up Patisseries’ for staff. Overall, a fun-filled, language-linked, culture-crazy day was enjoyed by all!

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